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Протуберанец больше Земли выплюнуло Солнце


Огненный шар, выброшенный Солнцем в космос, значительно превосходит по размерам планету Земля.

NASA опубликовало в своём инстаграм-аккаунте запись огромного выброса энергии от единственной звезды в Солнечной системе. Монтаж динамического изображения был проведён с помощью снимков, сделанных  Solar Dynamics Observatory.

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Great ball of fire! ? This close-up view of the Sun is from a two-hour period on August 13, 2018, showing a minor eruption of charged particles rising up and twisting about before falling back into the Sun. Captured in extreme ultraviolet light, these kinds of events are difficult to see except when they occur along the sun's edge. At its peak, the plasma rises to heights that are several times the diameter of Earth. We use the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which captured this view, to better understand the Sun's influence on Earth and near-Earth space by studying the solar atmosphere in many wavelengths simultaneously. This allows us to better understand the solar variations that influence life on Earth and humanity's technological systems by looking for solar wind, energetic particles, and variations in the solar irradiance that lead to better predictions of space weather events. Credit: NASA/SDO #nasa #space #sun #solar #sdo #light #earth #solarsystem #science #video #ultraviolet #uv #uvlight #picoftheday #fire #greatballoffire #lit #eruption

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